Learning how to play tennis can be a frustrating experience. The number of details required to hit a ball over the net, again and again, can seem overwhelming at first — but so was driving a car for the first time (especially a stick shift!) On day one, driving a car was a real challenge! Clutch, shift, gas, steer, watch the road— aaagh! With so many things happening at once, driving may have even seemed impossible at first (particularly if you also had a mom or dad screaming in your ear at the same time!)
But, with a little persistence, before you knew it you were driving like a pro, and all of the tiny steps that went into it, simply merged into one simple action you didn’t even have to think about anymore. Now-a-days, all you have to do is get in the car and go where you want to go—it’s automatic and effortless!
With our video lessons, the same thing will happen with your tennis game!
Our super secret “Karate Kid” tips and techniques will teach you how to hit hard, move fast and look amazing! Learn the “Wax on, wax off” motions that will mold your body into professional tennis strokes. You don’t even need a racket and a ball right now, all you need is a bare wall!

Tennis forehand body mechanics can be correctly understood and mastered with just a wall! We break the forehand into the 2 distinct motions – wax on, wax off!
Every great journey begins with a first step so TAKE ACTION NOW!
Get your FREE “Beginner Tennis Instruction Videos” and “How to Play Tennis Process Maps!” Lesson #1 will teach you how to hit “the forehand” in 3 EAST STEPS. Let’s kick ace!
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